

Date of Meeting:

24 November 2020

Report of:

Monitoring Officer

Contact Officer:


John Peel


01273 291058



Wards Affected:







1.                    SUMMARY AND POLICY CONTEXT:


1.1             To receive any petitions submitted directly to Democratic Services or any e-Petition submitted via the council’s website.


2.               RECOMMENDATIONS:


2.2             That the Committee responds to the petition either by noting it or writing to the petition organiser setting out the Council’s views, or where it is considered more appropriate, calls for an officer report on the matter which may give consideration to a range of options, including the following:


§  taking the action requested in the petition

§  considering the petition at a council meeting

§  holding an inquiry into the matter

§  undertaking research into the matter

§  holding a public meeting

§  holding a consultation

§  holding a meeting with petitioners

§  calling a referendum



3.               PETITIONS


3. (i)          Seven Dials Cycle Storage – Mark Bason


To receive the following petition signed by 108 people at the time of publication:


We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to install secure and sheltered bicycle storage in Seven Dials. By signing the petition, we indicate our interest in making use of such storage.

In the local transport plan, the council recognises the benefits of cycling to the city. It also highlights the fear of traffic as one of the main reasons why more people do not cycle. However, without adequate cycle storage for everyone, many are unable to take advantage of the benefits of cycling.

It is difficult to own a bicycle if you don't have a secure space to store it. This problem is especially acute in flats and small homes.

On-street storage is inadequate for the needs of regular cyclists due to the risks of bicycle theft and exposure to the elements. We note that the bicycle storage facility at Brighton train station is not suitable for permanent storage nor does it address the need

As an example of the response to the need, many UK councils have installed BikeHangars for their communities. These BikeHangars fit into a standard 2-metre parking bay and hold six bikes in the space of half a car. In Lambeth, the availability of these cycle parking spaces is outstripping demand. Users pay £3.50 per month for rental.

We request:

At a minimum, we would like to see the implementation of a Bike Hangar (or similar) pilot scheme. This would be an opportunity to test the feasibility before expanding across the city.

Contingent upon the success of the scheme, a broader consultation with the public over higher-capacity solutions for bicycle storage.

Include plans for bicycle storage should be included in the next local transport plan.